“SIPARIO – The Intangible of Performing Arts: Researches on Opera Houses”

Tipologia: WORKSHOP on ZOOM platform
Data: 26/02/2021 15:00 – 17:30
Program: download pdf

The workshop, organized as part of the project in synergy with ART-ER and CLUST-ER Create and promoted, as well as by the partnership, also by the Municipality of Faenza, is an event in digital mode, aimed at presenting the objectives of the project and the results obtained at an intermediate level to an audience made up of researchers, companies, experts in the subject, stakeholders, PA.

Link to proceed with registration:

“I3DA 2021 – International Conference”

Typology: International conference
Date: 8-10/09/2021
Program and event booklet: download pdf

“SIPARIO project – Sound Laboratory and 3D Audio”

Date: 17/12/2021, Faenza, del Complesso ex Salesiani (Via San Giovanni Bosco)
Program: download pdf

The event, carried out in two ways (in person and digitally), is a sound and 3D audio demonstration laboratory, during which the research activities of the SIPARIO Project and the main results obtained were presented; in particular, some possible applications of 3D Audio in the auralization and simulations of directive sound sources were illustrated. The invitation to the event was sent to companies (thanks also to the support of the reference CLUST ER, Create), to ART-ER representatives, to researchers, as well as to industry experts.

Link to proceed with registration:

“Progetto SIPARIO – Evento Finale”

Typology: WORKSHOP on ZOOM platform
Date: 16/02/2022 10:30 – 12:30

During the second workshop, coinciding with the final project event, the main results obtained during the project and future developments were illustrated. Companies, industry experts, stakeholders, students and experts on the subject were invited to the event.

Institutional greetings:

  • Flaviano Celaschi – Presidente Cluster ICC – Regione Emilia Romagna
  • Marina Silverii – Direttore Operativo ART-ER – Regione Emilia Romagna


  1. Ilaria Berardi – CSA – Il progetto SIPARIO – descrizione delle attività
  2. Marco Dolci – CSA – Le misurazioni acustiche nei Teatri Emiliano Romagnoli
  3. Antonella Bevilacqua – CIDEA – le misurazioni acustiche nei Teatri Campani
  4. Enrico Armelloni – CIDEA –  La tecnica MIMO: misure nei teatri di Modena e Piacenza
  5. Simone Campanini – CIRI-EC – l’interfacciamento audio-video e il processamento dati per WFS
  6. Diego Cattaneo – CIRI-EC – le implementazini acusmatiche
  7. Angelo Farina – CIDEA – l’auralizzazione dei teatri

Moderation: Lamberto Tronchin CIRI-EC

Link to proceed with registration:

“Il progetto è stato approvato nell’ambito dei Fondi europei della Regione Emilia-Romagna – Por Fesr 2014-2020 e successivamente finanziato con risorse del Fondo per lo sviluppo e la coesione FSC 2014-2020.”

The main target of the project is to record and then reproduce, in a specifically designed environment, artistic performances that have been recorded in Italian-style Opera-houses.
The project draws inspiration from what usually happens in the world of gaming, in which it is possible to take advantage of 3D audio and 360° video to experience, or at least emulate, the emotion of being truly inside the game, with sounds and images coming from all directions just as if we were involved in a real environment.Read more ...

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